Our Chairs chair the Board of Trustees, the Finance & Administration Committee and the Grants & Development Committe.
Our Trustees sit on the Board of Trustees as unpaid volunteers and make the decisions. They are chosen for their particular expertise, experience and ability to help the trust to make great decisions. Some sit on one or more of the Finance & Administration Committee and the Grants & Development Committee.
Our volunteer advisors support the Finance & Administration Committee and the Grants & Development Committee. Some of them have been Trustees in the past, and others are very likely to become our Trustees of tomorrow.
Our Staff are the "engine room" of CET. They support the Trustees by organising and running the meetings; they represent the CET externally to our stakeholders and partners; and they run all of CET's operations, delivering our corporate plan, one annual business plan at a time.
Our Honorary Office Holders have been given their honorific titles as an expression of CET's gratitude for their significant past service. They remain involved in our strategy-setting and in acting as critical friends to the Board of Trustees. Honorary Fellows are Advisors and/or former Trustees recognised for the exceptional, above-and-beyond service they have given to the Trust, while Chairmen Emeriti are some of our most prominent former Chairs of the Board.
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Registered company number 2419257.
Registered charity 801986.