Practical Information
CET will explore suitable candidates through a mixture of referrals and its own assessment of other relevant initiatives, looking for organisations that align with our Commercial Ability agenda.
Other applicants are encouraged to review our Grants Policy in detail, ensuring they are eligible for funding and that their project aligns with CET’s priorities. Project pilots or prototypes are actively encouraged.
Applicants are advised that the process for approving grants can take 6-9 months. As part of this process, CET will assess applicants in detail through discussions with their leadership about what a grant partnership might look like.
Applicants will be asked to submit a concept paper with a brief (1-2 pages) outline of the organisation and project idea. Please contact us for the template.
CET will consider the concept paper and, if the proposal is of interest, invite the applicant to complete a full application form, to include a budget, workplan and due diligence form.
The Grants & Development Committee, which meets quarterly, will review the application form. Should the committee recommend funding the project, this will be considered at the following quarterly Trustee Board meeting.
Following the Trustee Board meeting, applicants will be informed of the decision via email within 10 working days.
Successful applicants will need to sign a Grant Offer Letter, agreeing to CET's standard terms and conditions for the giving of grants.
Grants are usually paid in instalments against agreed milestones.
CET will usually fund a project for between one and three years. Funding will be awarded a year at a time, with the funding of subsequent years contingent on satisfactory progress reports, renewed due diligence checks, and a sufficient revised or updated workplan.
The maximum grant across the lifetime of a project that CET will usually consider is £75,000. Where a project is likely to deliver a major contribution towards CET's Vision, or significantly promote the concept of Commercial Ability, grants for a higher amount or over a longer or shorter period of time may be considered.
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Registered company number 2419257.
Registered charity 801986.